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No Win No FeeWork Accident Injuries

How long can I stay on WorkCover?

By February 16, 2024October 2nd, 2024No Comments

If you have been injured, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits to provide you with financial and medical support during your recovery. The maximum time that a person can stay on workers’ compensations benefits is 5 years. However, staying on benefits for this long is rare. Most claims do not continue for more than two years and many finish within a much shorter period.  This is because workers’ compensation benefits are not designed to be a long-term income replacement but rather a temporary measure to assist with your recovery and rehabilitation.

The length of time you are able stay on workers’ compensation benefits depends on several factors including the severity of your injury, the treatment recommended and your ability to return to work.

Generally, the more serious your injury is the longer that you will stay on workers’ compensation benefits.

Benefits Payable

Once your workers’ compensation claim is accepted the Insurer is required to pay you the following benefits:

  • For the first 6 months of incapacity: 85% of your normal weekly wage (which means your normal weekly earnings from employment in the 12 months immediately before your injury);
  • From 6 months to 2 years after your incapacity: 75% of your normal weekly wage or 70% of the average weekly ordinary earnings of a Queensland adult in the previous financial year (whichever is the greatest).
  • From 2 years to 5 years after your incapacity:
    • In most cases, an amount equal to the single pension rate.
    • If you can demonstrate that your injury is relatively severe (which means you are assessed as having a degree of permanent impairment of greater that 15%), continued payment at 75% of your normal weekly wage or 70% of the average weekly ordinary earnings of a Queensland adult in the previous financial year (whichever is the greatest).

In addition, the Insurer is required to fund reasonable treatment expenses during your statutory claim.

When will your benefits stop?

Your workers’ compensation weekly payments will stop when the first of one of the following occurs

1. Your incapacity from your injury stops and you return to work

2. Your injury reaches maximum medical improvement

3. You have been receiving weekly payments for five years

4. The total compensation paid to you reaches the maximum amount

What you should do

Your first step with us is free.